------ cruise status ----------- Current cruise: LMG2104 ** is logging ** nb150 2021/05/04 19:43:47 to 2021/05/25 14:28:17 (1 min. ago) os38nb 2021/05/04 19:43:49 to 2021/05/25 14:28:20 (1 min. ago) approximate lat, lon, depth: 61 39.20540 S 64 59.26281 W depth=3728 link: http://www.google.com/maps/place/61%2039.20540S+64%2059.26281W not using zmq publishers, position is from serial GPS Database time ranges: ====== heading correction ====== ---- heading correction ---- (heading correction from "seapath330") =========================== ------ seapath330 statistics ------ =========================== gyro-seapath330 statistics (comment=same sign as cal/rotate/*ang) ddrange: 143.7245137 to 144.5981646 (2021/05/24 17:23:18 to 2021/05/25 14:21:21) all seapath330 messages: (100%) were good [using available QC] (300sec) ensemble heading corrections: 250 out of 250 (100%) were good statistics of good data: mean N = 300, stddev N = 1.1 min = -1.02, max = -0.55 mean = -0.79, stddev = 0.10 --- Data logging status -- (1) Panels are green? (UHDAS Monitor on "currents") (2) Figures to check: http://currents/adcp/figures_wframes.html top row: 5-minute ensembles (figures should be less than 10 minutes old) middle: processed data (figures should be less than 2 hours old) bottom row: heading corrections, last 300 ensembles ---