2021/05/25 14:30:01 gentoo3 4.15.0-20-generic (bionic "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS") Current cruise: LMG2104 ** is logging ** nb150 2021/05/04 19:43:47 to 2021/05/25 14:28:17 (1 min. ago) os38nb 2021/05/04 19:43:49 to 2021/05/25 14:28:20 (1 min. ago) approximate lat, lon, depth: 61 39.20540 S 64 59.26281 W depth=3728 link: http://www.google.com/maps/place/61%2039.20540S+64%2059.26281W not using zmq publishers, position is from serial GPS Database time ranges: NOTE: This is the _primary_ computer --->>> WARNING: check os38nb temperature: 1 outliers <<<--- ---- heading correction ---- (heading correction from "seapath330") =========================== ------ seapath330 statistics ------ =========================== gyro-seapath330 statistics (comment=same sign as cal/rotate/*ang) ddrange: 143.7245137 to 144.5981646 (2021/05/24 17:23:18 to 2021/05/25 14:21:21) all seapath330 messages: (100%) were good [using available QC] (300sec) ensemble heading corrections: 250 out of 250 (100%) were good statistics of good data: mean N = 300, stddev N = 1.1 min = -1.02, max = -0.55 mean = -0.79, stddev = 0.10 === Sonar Pingtype Summary ===== nb150: triggering is not possible nb150 BB: on nb150 NB: on nb150 BT: off os38: Triggering not used (CX0,0) os38 BB: off os38 NB: on os38 BT: off =========================== ---------- ntpq -p ------------ remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== tick.lmg.usap.g .POOL. 16 p - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 *tick.lmg.usap.g .GPS. 1 u 518 1024 377 2.539 0.301 2.224 ------------------------------------------ ------------- pings per ensemble ----------- os38nb recent ping statistics (2021/05/25 14:23:20) ens = 300 sec, 100 pings, (3.00 sec/ping) nb150 recent ping statistics (2021/05/25 14:23:18) ens = 300 sec, 258 pings, (1.16 sec/ping) ---------- uptime ------------ 14:30:02 up 122 days, 22:11, 1 user, load average: 0.14, 0.20, 0.18 =============================== figures: http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/uhdas_fromships/lmgould/figs/ daily report: http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/uhdas_fromships/lmgould/daily_report/ Summary of warnings: ______________________ (1) wordcount of log/*.warn: 36 /home/adcp/log/3dayplots_nb150.warn 36 /home/adcp/log/3dayplots_os38nb.warn 1 /home/adcp/log/lastfewvec_nb150.warn 1 /home/adcp/log/lastfewvec_os38nb.warn (2) temperature warnings: --->>> WARNING: check os38nb temperature: 1 outliers <<<--- Figures and files: ------------------- Gyro logging and backup: Checking updating of 5-minute plots: age (minutes) filename 1 /home/adcp/www/figures/nb150_lastens.png 1 /home/adcp/www/figures/ktprof_amp_lastens.png 1 /home/adcp/www/figures/os38nb_lastens.png Checking updating of hourly plots: age (minutes) filename 3 /home/adcp/www/figures/nb150_ddaycont.png 3 /home/adcp/www/figures/os38nb_ddaycont.png local_status_mailto: